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VEX Challenges

VEX Challenges

About VEX Challenges

Become a talented Ninja in VEX Challenges. This is an extremely interesting adventure game that many people love today. In this game, you will have the opportunity to show off your skills to pass levels containing difficulties and challenges. Your mission is to collect all three stars and reach the blue area before time runs out. In case you cannot collect enough or have not reached the finish line in time, you will be able to play again from that level, not from the beginning.

VEX Challenges is designed simply but is extremely addictive so you can't take your eyes off it. Even though there is a time limit, you still have to ensure safety because cogs or abysses can also cause you to fail when falling into it. Are you confident enough that you can complete the entire game?

How to play

  • Use the arrow keys to play.

Vex game series has never disappointed players, especially in games like Vex 7Vex 6 and Vex 5.

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