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Minesweeper is an extremely interesting puzzle game that promises to bring you great entertainment. The goal of the game is quite simple: the player must open all the cells that do not contain mines. In case you have opened all the empty cells without mines but have not flagged the cells containing mines, they will be flagged automatically and you will win. So flagging is not required, but it will help your strategy.

The rules of Minesweeper are quite interesting with randomly distributed mines. However, it still follows a rule: the number displayed on the square will indicate that there will be a corresponding number of mines next to it. For example, if a cell displays the number two, there will be two mines next to that cell. Therefore, use your strategic thinking ability to identify safe cells and cells containing mines. For cells suspected of having mines, you can mark them with a flag. Let's start to experience this extremely interesting feeling of mine detection.

How to play

  • Use the left mouse button to open the box and the right mouse button to flag

Immerse yourself in the world of puzzle games with these games: Fireboy And WatergirlTrap The CatTic Tac Toe.

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