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Hide & Seek Go And Find

Hide & Seek Go And Find

About Hide & Seek Go And Find

Play hide-and-seek in the fun 3D simulation game, Hide & Seek Go And Find, which offers a new take on the classic hide-and-seek game. Players will take on the role of a seeker and must find children hiding in different rooms of a city. Use your observations on the map to find them more effectively!

Game Overview

At the start of each round in Hide & Seek Go And Find, one person will be chosen to seek while the others hide. They have five minutes and thirty seconds to look around and find all the other people hiding. You can explore cafes, tree areas in the game, which makes the game more interesting.

Passersby can give you useful tips, but you have to pay to get to them. To make the search more interesting, you can find and collect valuable money bags, which will help unlock new clothes for the seeker, this is a fun way to make your character unique. Try your searching skills and enjoy the thrill of finding something new!

How to play

  • Use arrow keys to move.
  • Press "E" to ask for help, "L" to cursor.

Exciting simulation games are available

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