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Peet Sneak

Peet Sneak

About Peet Sneak

Take on a quirky puzzle game called Peet Sneak, where you play as Peet, a character who needs to go to the bathroom quickly and in a humorous way. It's a tricky maze of dark hallways and locked doors that you have to get through to reach the desired bathroom hideout and retrieve the key.

Strategy Matters

To hide in Peet Sneak, players have to be very smart about how they move around the guards that are roaming around. Timing is important as Peet's rush requires quick but smart moves. Sneaking can help you defeat some guards, but the red guards are an immediate threat that makes the game more difficult. Can you help Peet find peace amidst all the chaos?

Easy to Play

The controls for Peet are pretty straightforward, you just need to tap or hold him to move him across the path. Get keys to open doors and solve various problems while avoiding the guards on watch.

More about puzzle games

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